2018 Crafters Survey
Every so often we send out a survey to get a feel for what you, as crafters and part of our From Picture to Page community, get out of our shows so we can learn about what we are doing right. We also want to know where we can improve. And here we are excited to bring you there results of the 2018 Crafter From Picture to Page Survey.
Facilitating papercraft shows across Victoria brings craft supplies, demonstrations and hands-on activities, with Make and Takes and mini classes, to crafters and give our retailers an opportunity to meet you in real life. This is even more important as many craft stores are retreating from their store fronts; some are moving online and attending shows, some are closing for good.
So at From Picture to Page, we are very conscious that we need to have craft shows that meet the needs of both our crafters and our retailers.
Q1 Where did you hear about the From Picture to Page show for 2018?
Most crafters tell us you have visited the show before, plus our emailed flyers and posted postcards and Facebook are reaching you. The “Other” category included hearing about us through your local stores or from friends.

We want every paper crafter to know about our shows! It’s important for us know how best to spread the word about our papercraft expo and make sure we spend our limited advertising budget in the most effective way.
Q2 Which From Picture to Page shows did you attend in 2018?
As expected, the Pakenham and Sandown shows rated highly; both the Pakenham and Sandown show have a similar number of crafters attending. Bendigo and Geelong are our smaller, regional shows and hence less people attend.

The regional shows each have their own special atmosphere about them; they are a great chance to get hands on with a make and take or mini class as they are less busy. Plus you have more time to watch demonstrations and ask questions with our talented crafters and feature artists.
Q3 How do you rate the following aspects:
Each category was rated from
1.Ho Hum – Okay – Good – Great – 5.Outstanding

Overall, you told us you are are pretty happy with most aspects of the shows but there is always room for improvement; there is still some work to do with the make and takes and mini classes, as these categories rated lower than the others. Our retailers are listening and are putting a lot of thought into our programme for 2019.
Q4 Why do you come to the Picture to Page Craft show?
We love to find out WHY you come along to our papercraft show, and it’s to see the latest products, because you need craft supplies, to see our retailers and to watch demonstrations. These stand out as the top reasons.

Q5 What type of crafts to you do?
With papercrafting covering so many subcategories of crafts, it’s always interesting to get an understanding what type of crafts you engage in. Cardmaking tops the list, with stamping and scrapbooking a close second and third.

Others in comments included calligraphy; that will need to be added into future surveys.
Q6 In a few words, why do you craft?
The word cloud speaks for itself: Love – making – relaxing are just a few of the words that stand out from your answers.

Here is a small selection from your answers:
“It is a break from my normal stressful life, I can step away and indulge my love of crafting”
“It is something I really enjoy and it is some me time. Takes my mind off everything else.”
“I enjoy being creative. I find it relaxing. I just love making cards & friends love receiving them.”
“It’s my passion, therapy & good for my sanity. I’ve made some some friendships through art & craft 😀”
Q7 Anything else you’d like to share with the From Picture to Page team?
It’s so lovely to read your supportive comments, as well as the opportunity to provide detailed feedback for the areas we aren’t getting right.

And here is what we are getting right:
“Love to see the show continue to broaden the types of craft media …. ie; not just paper. In the past have also really enjoyed resin, fabric dying and other mixed media.”
“I absolutely love the From Picture to Page shows. The team are fantastic and the retailers so helpful. A bargain or two doesn’t go astray either. :)”
Areas to improve:
“I love the classes but there could be more as they are often hard to book into if you don’t get there early in the day.”
“Try to make sure that you source new businesses so that it’s not always the same old, same old like (other shows).”
“Spread out the door prize draw like it used to be. Need more free make & takes. Most shows you cannot get to do the make & takes. It’s a good way for retailers to show and sell their products. More tables for lunch break.”
Thanks to all of you who completed the survey – we had a total of 210 replies. This helps us to get a greater understanding about what YOU are looking for with a paper craft show, and helps us as organisers and retailers with how we can best help and support your craft endeavours.
Look forward to catching up with you across Victoria in 2019.